I just want you to be aware of a message that I have just posted at Forex Factory.
Being a USA based company, I thought FF would use more transparency in their practices. Usually we can see those practices in countries which are limited right of expression!
Here the message:
Don’t worry Gals & Guys, I won’t clutter this thread, this is my unique post about this matter.
Are you aware that Forexpinbar was threatened by Forex Factory board to see his thread moved to the Commercial section if he doesn’t remove the link to Greed is Good forum? Please note that I use the word “threat” on purpose.
==> Commercial definition:
Cambridge’s dictionary defines commercial as “related to buying and selling things”.
Oxford’s dictionary defines commercial as “Making or intended to make a profit”.
Here are Forex Factory’s Trader Code of Conduct and Commercial Code of Conduct:
You can note in their Commercial Code of Conduct that a Commercial member is “Any Member who makes MONEY by providing a product or service to forex traders should be designated a Commercial Member”.
Now comes the following questions, is Forexpinbar’s thread “CCFp weekly signals (set and forget basket trading)” offering any commercial product or service, and the sub question is, is Greed is Good forum offering any commercial product or service?
From what I seen in Forexpinbar’s thread, I cannot see any commercial activities. All tools (indicators and EAs are freely available), all discussions and strategies are freely available.
==> Now concerning Greed is Good forum:
Greed is Good forum is not providing any commercial content. In other words, there is nothing to sale in GiG forum, there is no product for sale nor any service.
People who know me since years, and people who are members of GiG forum can confirm.
Some traders are using my tools (indicators or EAS) since years and they NEVER had to pay anything to use them. Before to have my own little forum (GiG) I was sharing my developments in various forums and Skype groups. But after seeing what’s going on in various forums, I have decided to create my own little place in order to share all my developments and make them easily available to anybody.
So, I repeat, ALL tools at GiG are freely available.
Do you think that I am using GiG forum as a “vitrine” to sell coding services? No, I don’t. You can ask several members who asked me to code EAs for money. I never did it. At the beginning, I am not a coder but a trader! So, each time I have some free time I code those requests, but freely!
Now, why Forex Factory’ board is considering GiG forum as a commercial forum? That’s the question.
Maybe because there is a small banner on the right side of the forum? No, I don’t think that the answer. Just for information, I have placed this Google ad sense banner a few month ago to see how adds are working in websites. So far, in more than one year of activity, this single add has generating something like 10 €uros of potential revenue. I say potential revenue as in order to be paid by google, you need to generate at least 70 €uros of revenue. Even if this add was generating 70 €uros of revenue per year, do you think it would cover the website cost? No, it won’t, and they know it at Forex Factory.
So, if removing the add was the answer to avoid having GiG forum considered as a commercial forum I would do it right now.
But that’s not the answer gals & guys.
They could also argue that I am not sharing my source codes to plan a future commercialisation. But that’s not true either. I don’t share my source codes any more as I don’t want to see scammers/cheaters taking my code and selling it all around the places. As I don’t sell my developments, I don’t see why I would let other people selling them! I can also add that I share my source codes with some trusted people when they ask it. I don’t have any problem with that at all.
==> Welcome into darkness:
That’s not the first time that such issues occurred at Forex Factory. Veterans traders could tell you about it.
Each time something interesting comes out, each time something is too hot (in other word is generating consistent revenue), some members are banned from Forex Factory or censored. Why that? Maybe there is a pressure from institutional or from brokers… Who knows the truth?
And, as a result, the “best” members from Forex Factory are leaving the forum for other forums.
You think that I am talking nonsense?
You can just go and check some of the recycle bin threads here at Forex Factory and see by yourself.
You can also go and check some other forums which were created by Forex Factory old members like:
- Penguin traders
- …
Believe me the list is long, I am not going to list all of them.
And at the end, the best members are leaving Forex Factory, but the “trolls”, them, are still there. Off course some great people are still members of Forex Factory otherwise the forum would be dead. I truly respect them. But most of them are also members of other forums, and believe me, the level of other forums discussions is really different.
You are going to say, why I am here. I am here as sometimes some good things comes out and I try to help as much as I can. I do it here at FF as I do it on other forums as well.
==> The light comes from the darkness:
Members from GiG forum can tell you that I have posted a message at GiG to ask them to avoid posting questions about my Dashboard into Forex Factory thread. Forexpinbar and Xmess are already doing a great job there, and I didn’t want to clutter their thread.
I am not expecting anything from this message. If it can help some people to open their eyes, Great.
I will continue my activities as I used to do it, here and in other forums. If I am not welcome anymore, fine.
Gals & Guys you know where to find me.
@ Forexpinbar from Forex Factory: I wish you the best for your thread here at FF. At the same time, I will keep chatting and enjoying our chat at GiG with all the good spirit that we have.
Have fun, cheers,
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