Dear "GiG"-Members,
my name is Samy i am born and i live in germany, now 41 years "old" still strugglin, crying,
sometimes "laughing" about my trading expierience,
i am open minded to every part of trading wich gives serious content to a succesfull trading
habit, traded in germany so called knock out products..where you
can choose between small or high leverage(knock out level, is near current price of the
"underlying" you get it cheap, but near the knock out leveletc.bla.bla) the right
direction is the thing to choose, switched to cfd´s(fx-cfds,dax,etc.), sometimes watching
sp500,e-mini, "pennystocks", so everything wich has a "momentum",breakout
and is less violated by our behated MM´s...making money, but mostly loosing it, out of my
lack of patience.
i hope to learn about this interesting indicator, and learn all around more about everything
infliclicted with successfull trading to make a living..
there is light and shadow let us catch the sunlights..
thanks for letting me be a part of it!