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By SickOfScam
Huuh! Almost a year here... It's time to introduce myself. ..
Hi, my name is Tom. I'm a trader for nearly 20 years, and in Forex since 2009.
My residence is for a long time in the area of southern Germany (BW) and I'd like to meet traders who live (not only) in this area.
I am sure that we (traders) have a lot to talk and also to exchange between us.
Btw SickOfScam comes from the belief that forex is (not) completely manipulated and that it is (not) the biggest robbery in history so far.
And finally, something else to add: Geko your forum is fantastic and this what you shared with us (my opinion) has not been seen so far!!!
Thanks, and please stay independent, unlike other (FjF, TkpSD) forums.
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By Geko
Many thanks for your kind words SickOfScam and Welcome to GIG :party:

Independent I am, independent I will continue to be :ninja:
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By Geko
Hi guys,

=====>>> Update 26/09/2017:
All GiG tools expiry date were updated to year end 2017.

Sorry for the delay, September was a really busy month :-o
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By Sukhen
This is Sukhen from India. A regular trader, like EAs to work with.

Wish everybody good pips.

Best regards

- Sukhen
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By renexxxx
Hi there,
This is Rene from Australia (Sunny Coast). Been trading Forex for the last 10 years after an early retirement from the IT industry. Results have been up and down but overall it has been positive. Looking forward to participating in this Forex forum.
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By Jesand

Jes here and hope can learn something from master.
Nice to meet you all and have a nice day.

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By SickOfScam
Hi Geko, unfortunately it is obvious that GIG is slowly left without initial enthusiasm.
It would be really sad if this forum came to an end and if traders community lose such a genius.
Please, can you explain in a few words - what is going on
and what is your vision for further development of GIG?
Can I (we) somehow help?
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By Geko
renexxxx wrote: 28 Oct 2017, 07:53 Hi there,
This is Rene from Australia (Sunny Coast). Been trading Forex for the last 10 years after an early retirement from the IT industry. Results have been up and down but overall it has been positive. Looking forward to participating in this Forex forum.
Hi renexxxx and welcome to GiG :party:

It is a real pleasure to have you here, we already "know" each other from another forum ;-)

You helped me a lot in the past when I was learning how to code (gringoh and its dashboard in SHF).

Looking forward to exchange with you :-D
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