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By Geko
Kilo wrote: 19 Mar 2018, 17:20 It is not showing the alert icon.
Have you tested a fresh installation setup? Here it means that the dashboard doesn’t get the signal (alert) from the chart, it is probably connected with the Global Variable issue discussed in the thread.

What is your broker? Here it is working with all my brokers even with prefix/suffix.
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By Kilo
My broker is Varinase but it should not be an issue as it was working before. I cleared out the global variables when you mentioned that there might be a problem, I hope that this did not mess things up. Have not tested a fresh installation yet.

Geko wrote: 26 Mar 2018, 11:46
Have you tested a fresh installation setup? Here it means that the dashboard doesn’t get the signal (alert) from the chart, it is probably connected with the Global Variable issue discussed in the thread.

What is your broker? Here it is working with all my brokers even with prefix/suffix.
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By Geko

Before to make any further development, we have to make sure of the issue.

What would be great is if you can try a fresh installation.

1- Download both tools again and install them in your platform (do not rename the files).
2- Place them on your charts without changing any field in both tools settings
3- Try to place an alert on a chart e.g: EURUSD
4- Make sure the alert appears on the dashboard once placed on the chart

Let’s see if it works like that.

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