Update in post 1 :
=====>>> UPDATE 2021 [GiG]
GiG is finally back online after a few months offline and without activity.
Those last months I was contacted by several members of GiG who are using the tools on a regular basis for their trading. So far, I was sending them GiG’s tools directly but I thought it would be great to get GiG Forum back online to provide them also the documentation available in the various threads, as well as a place to discuss and show how they use the tools.
On my side, I didn’t had time to trade lately. Life has changed, kids are growing and taking more time, daily job also.
I plan to get back in the game in the coming weeks but with a different approach.
Finished the time while I was more a coder than a trader. I plan to focus more on Price Action and less on coding.
More on that later.
You can also notice that GiG domain has changed to
www.greedisgood.world. I had an issue during the renewal of the previous domain
www.greed-is-good.com and some Fxxxxxx lurkers took it !
Anyway GiG is back
I hope you will enjoy this new GiG Forum with all its goodies