- 28 May 2017, 13:43
Post 1 updated with latest DB version.
There are no major modifications in this version.
As suggested, I am going to increment the DB version number starting from now. So, the posted version is now: v 1.01.
I have used the same DB name, but if your guys prefer, I can add the DB version in the DB name to make something like this:
! - !-GiG-!--Dashboard-05-v.1.01.ex4
However, to make it easier to install updates, until now, you just had to erase the previous DB version with the new one. If I change the DB name for every single update, if you want to erase the previous version, you will have to change the DB name back to
! - !-GiG-!--Dashboard-05.ex4
I am going to increment the PDF user guide version number also.
There are no major modifications in this version.
As suggested, I am going to increment the DB version number starting from now. So, the posted version is now: v 1.01.
I have used the same DB name, but if your guys prefer, I can add the DB version in the DB name to make something like this:
! - !-GiG-!--Dashboard-05-v.1.01.ex4
However, to make it easier to install updates, until now, you just had to erase the previous DB version with the new one. If I change the DB name for every single update, if you want to erase the previous version, you will have to change the DB name back to
! - !-GiG-!--Dashboard-05.ex4
I am going to increment the PDF user guide version number also.
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